RS Investments, based in San Francisco, CA, has delivered an array of actively managed equity strategies since 1986. Critical thinking, deep research and careful security selection are the hallmarks of our long-term investment approach. The RS Investments franchise manages growth, value and global strategies that focus on pursuing better outcomes for clients. These strategies are managed by three teams, led by CIO Scott Tracy, CIO Robert J. Harris, and CIO U-Wen Kok, respectively.
Chief Investment Officer
Scott Tracy is Chief Investment Officer of the RS Growth team. RS Investments was acquired by Victory Capital in July 2016 and is a Victory Capital investment franchise.
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Robert Harris is chief investment officer of the RS Value team, as well as an investment analyst at RS Investments focused on the RS Value domestic equity strategies. RS Investments was acquired by Victory Capital in July 2016 and is a Victory Capital investment franchise.
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U-Wen Kok is Chief Investment Officer of the RS Global team and portfolio manager of the Victory RS Global Fund and Victory RS International Fund and has over 30 years of investment experience. RS Investments was acquired by Victory Capital in July 2016 and is a Victory Capital investment franchise.
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