Investment Approach
The Sycamore Mid Cap Value Equity strategy employs a bottom-up, fundamental value investment process to build a diversified portfolio of mid-cap companies that the team believes to be undervalued and offer above-average total return potential. The team utilizes elements of both deep and relative value in order to exploit the inefficiencies inherent in the mid-cap asset class, as well as the short-term nature of many market participants.
Philosophy & Process
The investment team, led by Chief Investment Officer Gary Miller, believes that long-term investment success begins with trying to limit the permanent loss of capital. In building portfolios, the team identifies companies that they believe possess the following attributes - a better business with above-average financial strength, an exploitable valuation disparity between the current market value for the shares versus their estimation of fair value, and the prospect for improving fundamentals. The investment team believes that companies that exhibit all three of these attributes generally possess the most compelling risk/reward profile.
Chief Investment Officer – Sycamore Capital