Investment Approach
The Munder Mid-Capitalization Core Growth strategy seeks to outperform the Russell Midcap® benchmark over a complete investment cycle, by investing in mid-capitalization companies that the management team believes are of high quality, have the potential for above average earnings growth, and at the time of purchase, demonstrate a reasonable valuation.
Philosophy & Process
The management team believes that shifting fundamentals and associated valuations among mid-cap companies create market inefficiencies on a regular basis. It is through these inefficiencies we are able to produce alpha by applying fundamental stock analysis within a highly risk- controlled framework. Our risk controls help ensure that our market cap, sector weightings, beta and style bias remain consistent over time. Portfolios are broadly diversified and conviction-weighted. To highlight stock selection and control sector risk, sector weights are similar to those of the benchmark. All portfolios are fully invested, with cash levels generally around 2% or less.
Chief Investment Officer & Senior Portfolio Manager | Mid-Cap Core Growth, Multi-Cap and Diversified Equity Strategies