Investment Approach
The Integrity Micro Cap Value Equity strategy invests in a diversified portfolio of micro capitalization stocks that are currently undervalued, but poised to outperform. Philosophy & Process Integrity believes that superior risk-adjusted performance is achieved by maintaining a diversified portfolio of micro capitalization stocks that are trading below Integrity’s estimate of intrinsic value and have improving investor sentiment. This strategy seeks to invest in the right company, at the right price, and at the right time: Right Company – Companies with profitable reinvestment opportunities and/or willingness to return profits to shareholders. In addition, factors such as a company’s economic value added (EVA), capital allocation discipline, and the impact of past management decisions are continuously evaluated. Right Price – Our process not only seeks to identify the right companies, but to purchase those companies at the right price. We analyze stocks to uncover their true intrinsic value. Right Time – Continuous and rigorous fundamental analysis is applied as Integrity searches for a catalyst to indicate improving investor sentiment. Catalysts are typically company, industry or macroeconomic developments.
Management Team

Daniel G. Bandi
Chief Investment Officer
(As of )