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To provide you flexibility, 10 investment portfolios are available ranging from very aggressive to very conservative. You can choose a fixed allocation option or elect an aged-based option.

Age-based plans (do it for me)

If you're a new investor or want a low maintenance option, consider an Age-Based Option. Based on the beneficiary's age, investments transition automatically from more aggressive equity portfolios in the child's early years to more conservative portfolios as the child approaches college age (18+).


Fixed allocation plans (do it myself)

If you prefer to select your own portfolios, choose from the Fixed Allocation Portfolios. Select one or more portfolios based on the investment mix you prefer.

Note: The Preservation of Capital Portfolio is not included in the Age-Based Option. Refer to the USAA 529 Education Savings Plan Description and Participation Agreement for more details.

Both the Age-Based and Fixed Allocation Options use the portfolios below. 


Open a 529 account

Open an account

Portfolio options

View Plan Performance
- Aggressive Conservative +
Portfolio options
Age 0-2

Seeks to maximize returns over time with long-term capital appreciation.

Age 3-4

Seeks long-term capital appreciation.

Age 5-6

Primarily seeks capital appreciation and secondarily seeks income.

Age 7-8

Primarily seeks capital appreciation and secondarily seeks income.

Age 9-11

Seeks capital appreciation and income, with more emphasis on growth.

Age 12-13

Seeks capital appreciation and income, with more emphasis on income.

Age 14-15

Primarily seeks income and secondarily seeks capital appreciation.

Age 16-17

Primarily seeks income and conservation of principal.

Age 18+

Seeks income and conservation of principal.

Age 18+

 Seeks protection of principal.

Initial investment options

Get started today with a low initial investment. About 10 minutes is all you need. 

$50 initial investment

and automatic investments of at least $50 a month

$250 initial investment

with no required automatic investments

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